Psalm of the Day                                                         Bread of Life                                                             Psalm 81:1-10


Psalm 81:1–10

1Sing aloud to | God our strength;*

         shout for joy to the God of | Jacob!

2Raise a song; sound the | tambourine,*

         the sweet lyre | with the harp.

3Blow the trumpet at the | new moon,*

         at the full moon, on our | feast day.

4For it is a statute for | Israel,*

         a just decree of the God of | Jacob.

5He made it a decree in Joseph

         when he went out over the land of | Egypt.*

I hear a language I | had not known:

6"I relieved your shoulder of the | burden;*

         your hands were freed from the | basket.

7In distress you called, and I de- | livered you;*

         I answered you in the secret place of thunder;

         I tested you at the waters of | Meribah.

8Hear, O my people, while I ad- | monish you!*

         O Israel, if you would but lis- | ten to me!

9There shall be no strange god a- | mong you;*

         you shall not bow down to a | foreign god.

10I am the Lord your God,

         who brought you up out of the land of | Egypt.*

         Open your mouth wide, and I will | fill it.